high-performance water
solutions to help meet
greener building goals

customer background

Our customer is a US-based leading manufacturer of engineered water solutions serving the commercial, municipal, and industrial markets. Their 100+ years of experience translates to sustainable, high-performance water solutions that help customers save the earth’s most precious resource.

customer need

Most building systems (like plumbing, irrigation systems, public restrooms, etc.) rely greatly on water, and hence, water management is a very high priority. A water-efficiency-focused system ensures the future availability of resources and gives the organisation a reputation of an environment-friendly enterprise while also saving on energy costs. Our customer’s need to balance smart building functionality with water conservation raised a critical question — to better control and monitor water usage, why not integrate water management systems into the centralised building management system?

softdel’s solution

standards and technology

ASHRAE Standard 135-2016: BACnet (PR-19)
Technology: LoRa Wireless RF technology Sub 1 GHz
SOM: Colibri iMX7
Front End: HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX
Back End: C, Python-Flask
Database: SQLite
Operating System: Linux version 2.8 (yocto) 32 Bit Architecture on A7 core | FreeRTOS on M4 core
Simulating Tool: BOSS (Softdel’s BACnet Simulator), Yabe


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